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Final Digipak Design

For the inside cover I chose to have a long shot image of the lead singer, Demi Lovato. I did this, as I believe that it promotes Demi’s rock star persona, which helps direct her album at her audience.  I think that the inside cover also shows her fun side of her personality, I believe this is shown in the action shot of Demi jumping in the air- who appears to look happy. This creates a positive atmosphere as if Demi is in a happy mood it passes it onto her audience- along with her music.

I didn’t apply a design to the CD, as I would not design anything significant for the CD. I would most likely keep the same monochrome design idea for the CD cover. Therefore I would have a black background on the front of the CD and then have the album title “Really Don’t Care” on the top centre of the CD, in a bold white font. I would also perhaps have Demi Lovato’s signature on the lower, centre part of the CD. This way Demi’s fanbase may feel that the CD has been personally made for them and by Demi signing it, may appear that the CD is a gift from her.

I chose to keep the back of my digipak quite simple, using a monochrome colour scheme. I decided to use the colours (black and white) as I wanted the digipak to appear bold. The colours apply to a simple layout that lists the tracks featuring on the CD, as well as the record company that Demi Lovato is signed to- Hollywood Records. I also added a barcode at the bottom right corner of the digipak, typically where you would find it. I used a barcode as it was a simple yet relevant detail to use on digipak, I believe that it makes the digipak appear more professional looking and similar to other digipak’s.

For the front cover of the digipak I decided to use a photographed picture of Demi, Cher (who features in the single ‘Really Don’t Care) and the band member (pianist). I chose to use a photographed picture, as I wanted the album to be easily identifiable to the audience, which I believe the best way in doing so is having the artist feature on the front cover. By also having a featured singer and band member on the front, it shares with the audience who Demi has worked with. When taking the picture I didn’t want to have a serious pose, instead I wanted to bring out the artists personality, which in this case is fun, bubbly and positive. I believe that this will create a role model for her fanbase, showing that although she is sensible and reliable you can also have fun and share it with your friends. The outfits that the artists and band members wear also bring out their individual personalities. I believe that it’s a mix of personalities which represent punk, indie and swagger. In the photograph I set up a black backdrop in order for it to create a bold and plain background, this enables the outfits to stand out.  

Back Cover

Front Cover

Inside Cover

CD Slot

The images below show my final digipak design, I am overall very pleased with the final design as I believe it is very professional looking and a high level of standard. I used a four panel template as I believe that this best suits my original ideas. The images I have used were taken when filming our music video, so I therefore have our costumes used in the performance music video, representing the artsits and band members attitudes and look. If I were to make any changes or improvements to my digipak I would maybe use  a six panel template instead, so I could therefore have used more images, as I found it hard to pick my final ones. 

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