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Final Digipak Advert

To the right is my final digipak advert. I chose to feature the same image as the digipak front cover, this is because I found a coherence in other digipaks that they would use the same image aswell. I believe that the purpose of this makes the digipak more recognisable, on a shelf in a reatiler, as the target audience would have previewed the digipak advert beforehand. 


I have chosen to use this image as I wanted to use a non-serious pose, this image was captured through an action shot whereby the artists were unknown that the picture was being taken. This created a natural pose that I believe brings out the positive and fun moods of the artists. I think this is a good way to brand the artists as it will reflect well on the audience and create a nice role model for Demi's fanbase. I also believe the emotions and expressions sucessfully represent the song and genre which is up beat, positive and happy.


The colour scheme throughout the whole design has stayed coherent, sticking to a pink/purple/black theme. I have chosen these three specific colours as pink represents the dance-pop genre as its very feminine and girly. Where as the black and purple represent the artists personality and style, which Demi's is punk. These colours also contrasts well with the black back drop, ensuring that the lettering stands out.


I've chosen to feature the three social networking sites Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, at the bottom of the advert as social networks have become a big part of the younger generations lives. This ensures that the target audience will be able to see the advert online and also advertises Demi's social networking sites- this way the fans are able to interact with her. It may also raise Demi's status as these particular social networking sites promote artists to a big audience and fans can share Demi's statuses, tweets and images. 

I have chosen to feature Demi's Record label "Hollywood Records" on the bottom of the advert as I wanted to inform the audience who supports Demi and would also provide the record label with recognition. 

If I were to change or improve anything, I would maybe put the price of the CD on the advert- however i don't think this is a vital aspect. Although I had originally put it on my initial ideas, I decided to remove it. 

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