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Question 2) How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

In my opinion the combination of our main product and ancillary texts are effective and precise, this is because our main product “really don’t care” music video meets all of the typical conventions found in a dance-pop music video. Within the video, it features a narrative and performance video frame, cutting to and from them both. This creates a fast paced video which follows the rhythm and beat of the song, which makes it fun to watch.

The performance video shows an example of a typical band set up, which features the musical instruments played in the song and the two main signers lip syncing the lyrics. The narrative video shows multiple settings in a house, representing the three different relationships that the girls have with the same boy. However the lyrics create the idea that the three girls are not affected by the boy which relates to the song for example- “But even if the stars and moon collide, I never want you back into my life” and “really don’t care”. Therefore this creates a positive atmosphere and mood for the song and the three girls are shown to be happy and laughing at the end of the video- unaffected by the boy’s lies and dishonesty. 

I believe that my ancillary texts work well with our main product as it has a corresponding theme throughout. The theme uses three main colours which are pink, black and purple. These are previewed on the digipak, digipak advert and also the main design of the website. We chose to use these colours as they link to the genre of dance-pop and also to the artists. The pink relates to dance-pop as it’s a very bright and girly colour which is something you’d relate to a typical dance-pop theme. We used purple and black as they are quite edgy and punk colours, which link to the artists personality, as well as the colours contrasting well together.

We have also combined our main product with the ancillary texts by using similar costumes throughout the production. The images shown on the digipak are outfits designed to apply to the artists personalities and also relates to the genre and attitude of the song. In this case Demi’s outfit represents someone quite indie and punk by wearing a band tee, black jeans, converse and a shirt tied around her waist. Within the narrative video we have used outfits to represent the dance-pop genre as they outfits are colourful and informal which is something you’d associate with the typical conventions of a dance-pop genre theme. By being coherent through the costumes we are able to create a combination between the music video and ancillary texts, with the intention of making it co-ordinating to produce a well noticed theme.

Within the video we have followed the typical conventions of a dance pop song by using a range of camera positioning and editing. The main camera positions we used were close ups, long shots, mid shots and low angle. The purpose of these shots were to express the emotion of the characters/ band members and to also establish the setting, costumes and props. The editing used in the video is the transitions from each shots and effects to make the video more appealing. The transitions create the fast paced affect which works well with the song.

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