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Digipak Advert Analysis

From researching different digipak adverts, I discovered that 95% of the adverts included the front cover of the artist’s album. The adverts that I have reviewed all feature the front cover image, but however none of them feature the record label that they are signed to.  Another feature that none of the adverts seem to have are social networking sites, which surprises me as this is typically a very popular feature as it promotes the artist. Addtionally two of the three are able to state when the album is available, which I believe is a key feature as it allows the audience to know when the album is available for them to buy,  making it a strong marketing strategy. 

Lady GaGa//The Fame Monster

This digipak advert does not use the same image as the front cover of the album however Lady GaGa is still the focal point of the image, staying centre of attention. The top image on the advert is simlar to the album cover, wheer she again appears to be hiding- creating a mysterious look. The advert features a comment from the top magazine "Rolling Stone" and also lists some of the tracks from the album.

Rihanna//Talk that talk

This digipak advert uses the same image that features on the front of the digipak, which is something that will relate to my own digipak. I believe this is an important feature as it makes the digipak easily recognisable for the purchasers. The advert also features the media technology "iTunes" where her target audience can purchase the album. It also features the release date which is important as it allows her target audience to know when they can purchase the album.

Katy Perry//Teenage Dream


This digipak advert also uses the same image for the advert as it does for the digipak front cover. This is effective as the purchasers will be able to easily identify the album on the shelf. The advert also lists some of the tracks on the album, which is a persuasive feature as it allows Katy's target audience to know what new music she has created and makes it more tempting to buy.

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