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Digipak Advert Ideas

Idea 1


For my first Digipak advert idea I have first made the album title at the top of the advert in a very large font so it is therefore very easy to read and it will also stand out. This will most likely be in a bright pink colour that links in with the website theme and also for the theme of my final digipak.


Underneath the title features an image of all the three girls that are featured in the music video, here we see them sat on a set of steps in the same studio location in which the performance part of the music video is set. The girls are all wearing the same costumes as before which would be mostly black attire. All three girls are looking extremely happy and smiling, we also see main singer Demi Lovato in the middle of the two girls holding a guitar just like in the video. I have chosen to use this image because I feel it creates a good atmosphere as they are all looking very happy and smiley which is positive just like how the album is, very positive and enjoyable to listen to. The background of the image is black therefore meaning the main focal point of this image is of course the three aesthetically pleasing girls.


On the left hand side of the image we see one of the girls with their legs kicked out to the side of them, running along their leg is the date in which the album is being released. I thought this created a good effect as the image and text combined fit nicely together. The text reads, ‘OUT 9th May’ I have purposely put the word ‘out’ in capital letters as I wanted to make this big, clear and easy for people to know when the album is being released. This is also in the same font and the same bright pink colour as the title of the advert.


Next situated underneath the image of the three girls is a black box, this includes all the important information about the album. For example it says ‘DEBUT ALBUM’ showing people that this is Demi’s first album in which she has released.

Underneath this is Demi’s name showing of course who it is that has produced the album in which people will want to buy.


Then finally below in the left hand corner of the album is Demi’s username on all social networking sites that you can follow her on ‘@DemiLovato’ the I have included all the logo’s of the sites in which she uses for example: Instagram, Twitter and Facebook where fans can see regularly what Demi is getting up to, how she is feeling and possibly future plans and news she may want to share with everyone.

Here is the Hollywood records logo, the company in which Demi is signed with; having this gives the record label recognition and maybe even good advertisement for them.  Overall I really like the design and particularly the layout of my first idea and therefore I feel I will definitely incorporate some of these ideas into my final digipak advert.

Idea 2

For my second idea in designing my final digipak advert I feel I have definitely improved upon some of the ideas I used within my first initial thoughts. Instead of having my title of the album at the top of the advert this time I have situated it on the left hand side of the advert, still near the top, however it is going diagonally across the page and not vertical like before. The writing is still big and easy to spot and I would still like to use the bright pink writing theme as before.

Above the title features a quote, reading ‘Album of the year’ The Times’ I feel this is a great feature to add onto a digipak avert as it shows the album has good feedback and recognition from a well known company meaning for people who are looking into buying the album this will encourage them as they are seeing that already people are talking about how good it is.

Again, I have included when the album is going to be realised however this time it is situated near the top on the right hand side of the advert, although this time to even further make the date stand out I have outlined it in a huge ‘star-like’ shape in order to further more catch people’s attention, the star will be filled with the same bright pink colour as featured in the title of the digipak.

The image of this digipak does again features the three girls in the same studio location as the music video however here we see Demi playing the guitar at the front and then the two girls behind her singing into a microphone. In my opinion I prefer the image in the first advert idea as that showed the girls all together looking very happy and laughing which I believe truly reflects and represents the idea of the album more than this image of girls.

Like my first idea I have split the advert into two sections, therefore the bottom third of my advert is where you can find out all the important ‘small print’ information about the album. For example what her username is on social networking sites which I have put diagonally across the bottom which reads ‘follow me @DemiLovato’. Then again below this is the right hand corner I have included the logos of all the sites in which Demi uses and posts information about herself on, which are: Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Then the record label ‘Hollywood Records’ which is of course the label Demi is signed with.

Overall for my final digipak advert idea I am going to combine the different ideas from both advert ideas as I feel that they do both include very good different range of features which I would like to use in order to make my final design.

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