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Final Digipak Advert


I chose this poster design because it fit the typical conventions of a digipak poster, where the digipak cover is the main focus of the advert.  2 out of the 3 of the digipak adverts that I analysed had the digipak cover on the front of the advert as the main focal point.


The colour scheme of purple and black work very well together because they contrast and purple stands out clearly against the darkness of the black. Stereotypically, purple is a popular colour among girls aged 11-18 as it is seen as a more ‘girly’ colour. It is also a very bright and clear colour that makes the title stand out against the background.


Social networking has become a huge part of young peoples lives. For this reason, I included the 3 most popular sites/apps: Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.  Teenagers are likely to be drawn to this as they use them. Adding the icons and Demi Lovato’s username for the sites raises more awareness for Demi’s name and becomes a form of advertising. Young people go onto the social networking sites, find Demi Lovato and ‘follow’ her. This then encourages them to listen to her other music and keep up to date with her tours, songs, albums and merchandise, creating a new fan.


The quotes from magazines and newspapers make the advert look more realistic and professional. I chose Heat Magazine because it is a women’s magazine for 14+ and The Daily Mirror. If I were to do this advert again, I would change The Daily Mirror to something more suited to the target age range of the song, for example Top of the Pops which is a young teen magazine.


I put Demi Lovato’s record label logo onto both the digipak and the advert. This is common on adverts and digipak’s as it is recognition for the labels and shows whom the artist is supported by.

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