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Final Digipak


Front Cover


Back Cover


These are my final front and back cover designs for my digipak. I am very happy about the way that the digipak designs turned out. I created them both on Microsoft publisher so that they had a more professional and finished look. 


For the front cover design, I chose a happy picture to resemble the upbeat and fun song. This was meant to resemble my third design idea for the front cover of the digipak, but I changed the positioning slightly of the people and the writing. Originally, both the name of the artist and title of the song were at the bottom of the cover, but when I tried that placement it looked cluttered and obstructed the view of the photo. I moved the title of the song to the top of the page and it appeared as a much better layout. Also, in this placement neither of them covered important parts of the photo behind. I thought it was essential that the main artist (Demi Lovato) was central on the cover because the most important parts of photos are usually placed in the centre as it attracts the most attention from the audience. Therefore, Demi being in the centre will allow the audience to recognise her instantly.


I really liked how the back cover design came out. This was my third design idea to have the girls facing away for the back cover as they are facing forwards for the front cover, as you would expect. As it is the same black stage block that they are sitting on in both of the covers, they link together perfectly as a front and back cover. The linked arms around each other are meant to resemble the togetherness of the girls as friends and empowerment to other girls to stick together. The tracks listed on the back cover needed to be the same font and colour as the front covers writing so that it created a theme.


The font that I ended up using was marker felt. I chose this font because it resembled the felt tip pens that younger people use and the target audience for this song and music video is a younger age group. The colour purple was used because of the female target audience and purple is stereotypically more popular among girls. I made the title of the song on the front cover have a slight 'glow' around it to make it stand out just that little bit more on a CD shelf in a shop and it was eye-catching to the audience.


I felt that the paragraph of information on the back cover was necessary as it can found somewhere on all digipaks. I incorporated the record label name into it and where it was made to make it seem more realistic and professional. It also includes legal information about the rights of the sound recording and who they belong to, as well as details about licensing.


The barcode is a standard item you would see on any digipak, and I felt that added it on to the back so that it was out of sight. This again makes it look more genuine and like it would actually be sold in a shop.


The “HOLLYWOOD RECORDS” logo is also a standard item that you would see on a digipak. The label of the artist has to be shown somewhere on the digipak to show who the artists recording contract is with and who produced it. This raises awareness for the label and gives them the recognition for the artists’ music that they put out.


The social media logos show that the artist has an account with the sites and the audience can interact with her or get more information from/about her on these sites. The audience for the artist (and this song) is young female teens, who are one of the main audiences for these sites, so the social media logos will appeal directly to them. Social media can also be a good way to share music, so fans can use the social media to share the artist music with others on the sites and gather more interest for the artist.                                                                 

For the digipak I wanted to go for the 6 panel template as it enabled me to have more photos of the artist and people involved in the video. We took the all of the photos for the digipak during the filming of the music video so that it all linked together. I am really happy with how the whole digipak turned out and I think the pictures are of a good quality with a professional look. After we had taken the photos I found it difficult to choose which ones would be the front and back cover but the 6 panel template allowed me to include all of the photos that I liked. By doing it this way, I got to include different kinds of photos that displayed different emotions, such as fun, silly, serious and meaningful.


I am really happy with how the whole digipak turned out and I think the pictures are of a good quality with a professional look. If I were to make any changes to the digipak, I would include more interactional features for the fans and create a small booklet including a message from the artist and the lyrics to the tracks on the CD. As this appeals to a younger female audience I think the interactional features would be fun for them and it may be an extra encouragement for them to buy it.

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