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Digipak Analysis

Front Cover

Rihanna has chosen to have a close-up image of her face on the front of her album "Talk that Talk", released November 18th 2011. She has kept the theme very basic, with the main colours being black and whit which contrast well together. "Talk that talk" is written on Rihanna's wrist which resmebles a tattoo, this makes her image quite reckless, much like her pose. She could also be looked at as seductive- especially to a male audience.

Back Cover

The back cover shows the tracklist, which is typical for most digipak's, as well as the barcode. The image of rihanna is coherent to her front cover image as it is very provocative, which could suggest Laura Mulvey's theory "The male gaze". This is represented to the appeal towards the male audience as they will be attracted to Rihanna's good looks and revealing body.

Rihanna//Talk that talk

Front Cover

The front cover of her album shows a close up on her face, but her eyes are hidden by her glasses- which also have etched in the album title "The Fame". This infers that Lady GaGa has a mysterious personality, possibly unique and unusual. Her name is in bold, white capital letters which makes the album quite plain, along with the basic balck and white colour scheme.

Back Cover

The back cover shows the tracklist, which is typical for most digipak's, as well as the barcode. The image of Lady GaGa completely changes compared to the front cover. This is because it comes across as quite depressing which also matches the colour scheme, which is very dull. It also appears that Lady GaGa is crying a dark liquid from her eyes, possibly blood, this may be why she wears glasses on the opposite side, to hide it. This links to the mysterious and unusual personality that is represented through the images.

Lady GaGa//The Fame

Front Cover

Katy Perry uses a long shot to show an image of her full, nude body. This is a very provocative and seductive image- similar to Rihanna's. The colours are very bright and colourful, the colour scheme appears to be mainly pink which is a typical female colour. This will most likely be the album that will be most similar to mine, this is because it creates the most positive atmosphere and also is aimed at teenagers, hence "teenage dream".

Back Cover

The back cover shows the tracklist, which is typical for most digipak's, as well as the barcode. This back cover is the one out of the three that will be most similar to my own digipak. This is because I don't plan on using an image of Demi or Cher Lloyd, and will only feature the tracklist, barcode and record label.

Katy Perry//Teenage Dream

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