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This is a good example of how we would like our music video to be like because as this video is set in a dark club, it uses bright colourful lights in order to light the location up and also its fast change of pace with the lights add a good effect as it is like a splash of colour everywhere. We do not want our video shot in a club however we do want the similair bright lights because we will most likely be filming our music video at night. The editing within this video is very fast paced which we would consider in our video as we thought it worked well and looked particularly effective especially in relevance to our genre dance-pop.

This is an example of a dance-pop song; the element I like out of this video is that it is a performance video which we would like to integrate into our video however we only want a few sections of our music video to be performance whereas this whole video is performance based. Also the girls in this video are wearing brightly coloured clothing which we have thought as a group we would like to have as that would link in with our dance pop genre theme. I believe the reason they are wearing these brightly coloured outfits is too match their song genre of dance-pop as that is seen as a fun, fast paced type of song, therefore an outfit matching to this genre is needed for the video.

This is a good example of a dance pop genre video that we like as a group because it shows the members of the band playing the instruments, for example the drums and the guitars which is what we want to include into our music video.  For example we would like to have Demi playing the electric guitar in a studio location and then another girl playing the keyboard in the background behind her as one of our first intial ideas. This is therefore making our video have a performance element. Also the scenes are very fast paced, although they are all set in the same setting the editing changes to different people in the video dancing very quickly. There is a lot of different things happening within the frame of this video which we think looks very effective and would like to consider to use within our video.

Music Video Analysis

Chainsmokers - #SELFIE

The Saturdays - UP

Maroon 5 - Moves Like Jagger

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