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Digipak Ideas

Front Cover Ideas

Back Cover Ideas





































This is my first digipak front cover design idea. The main artist of the song (Demi Lovato) is the focus point of the front cover with her name is a large bubbly font. The lights at the top of the front cover resemble the ones in the performance part of the music video. The hand gesture represents a pop/punk culture which links to the image of Demi Lovato and the speech bubble makes it appear more like a cartoon which would appeal to the younger audience. I decided not to choose this design as I thought that the speech bubble may appear to be slightly too young for the audience and I disliked the overall layout.

This is my second digipak front cover design idea. For this design, I decided to move away from the conventional digipak front cover where the artist is the focal point. I just used the title of the song and the first name of the artist. The font is in a graffiti style to make it look different and link in with the rebellious and empowering message of the song. I did not choose this design as I felt that words do not stand out as much as a picture would. People and fans especially are more likely to be attracted and appeal to the sight of the artist rather than words. The artist's name is too small and I think it is important to include the full name so the audience know who it is.

This is my third digipak front cover design idea. It displays the three members of the music video including the main artist, featured artist and the other band member. The shot shows them in the performance area where we filmed the music video, which I think is effective as it creates a link to the music video in the audiences head if they have seen it. That link can make the audience think about the video and whether they liked it or not. If they did like it, then they are more likely to buy it. I chose this design for my digipak front cover because I liked that it linked with the music video and that all members of the video, who are a similar age to the target audience, were on the front cover. I changed it slightly because I felt the writing was too small, but this design inspired the front cover for my digipak.

This is my first digipak back cover design idea. It is a simple design with just the two tracks written on the back with the title of the song on the bottom. The bubbly writing in a cloud shape is the perfect style for the younger audience, but the placing of the writing is not practical. I did not choose this design because I felt that it was too boring and the inclusion of the title for a second time was not necessary. With the picture at the bottom, there would be no space for the essential information such as the barcode, legal information and record label details.

This is my second digipak back cover design idea. I really liked this design because it shows the main artist facing away, representing that it is the back cover. The guitar on the back shows that the instrument is involved in the song and this would be a photo that is taken during the filming of the video so the outfit would be the same as the one in the video. That creates a link back to the video like the front cover. I would have chosen this design if the front cover showed just the artist alone, but as I chose a group picture for the front I did not choose this design for the digipak. If I did choose this design I would have removed the artist's name from the bottom to create room for essential information.

This is my third digipak back cover design idea. Developing on my previous idea, I decided it would be good to create a back cover that linked to the front cover and included all members of the video. They are sat on the same block that was used on the front cover and facing away, again suggesting it is the back cover. I chose this design for the back cover of my digipak because it linked well with my front cover. Similar to the front cover, I changed parts of the design, but this inspired the final back cover. I moved the tracklist to the top of the page and added all the essential information to the bottom of the cover, making sure it neither was covering the photo.

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