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Digipak Advert Analysis

When researching different digipak adverts I found that 95% of the adverts included the front cover of the artist’s album. Both adverts 1 and 2 show the name of their record labels but all three adverts do not show any social networking sites for the artist which is usually very common among adverts now. I think that including the social networking sites that the artists belong to is very important as it gives the fans a chance to interact with the artist and find out their any of their latest news.

1 – Lana Del Rey’s advert is a stretched rectangular version of her album cover. Her design is very simplistic and has Lana as the main focal point of the advert. They could have done this to attract male attention to the poster as she is an attractive female. It includes the album release date and a few of the songs it includes that people may have heard. In the bottom left hand corner it shows that the album is sold by Amazon which is something the other adverts do not include. In our advert we will make sure to include the different places that will sell the digipak.

2 – Jessie J’s advert shows her album cover and an extended plain black background to display the important information. I like this advert as it keeps a strong colour and font scheme throughout. It also shows the title of her number one single which will encourage and attract people that liked the song to buy the album. The problem with this advert is that it does not display the album release date or where you can obtain the album other than her website. No release date could mean that it is already out on the market but fans will want to know what places are selling the album in order to buy it.

3 – Katy Perry has chosen to have her digipak advert in a landscape layout. This would feature as a double-page spread in a magazine which is not what we want for our advert but as it is bigger it is more likely to catch someone’s attention if they were to see it. This advert shows a picture of the album to show the audience what it looks like but the background displays Katy in a similar setting with a different outfit on. This all links in with the outdoor theme that she is trying to show. Similar to advert 2, this advert shows one of Katy’s number one singles to attract fans. Including the date of release in the advert can create an aspect of excitement for the fans as they have something to look forward to and I think that in our advert we will include the date of release.

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