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All Performance Costumes

All Performance Costumes

Alana - Demi Lovato

Alana - Demi Lovato

- Fender top - Black jeans - Red check shirt around the waist - Black and white converse

Alana - Performance

Alana - Performance

Maddie - Cher Lloyd

Maddie - Cher Lloyd

- Bandana - Black leggings - Hoop earrings - Baseball tee - White converse

Maddie - Performance

Maddie - Performance

Lauren - Band Member

Lauren - Band Member

- Black mesh top - Denim shorts with black tights - Doc martins shoes

Lauren - Performance

Lauren - Performance

Tom - Narrative

Tom - Narrative

- Black zip-up jacket - Red and black tartan t-shirt - Black jeans - Black converse

Alana - Narrative

Alana - Narrative

- Red and blue check shirt - Black leggings

Maddie - Narrative

Maddie - Narrative

- Black daisy playsuit - Black wedges

Lauren - Narrative

Lauren - Narrative

- White blouse - Black jeans

The main target audience for our music video is teenage girls. In our video we will be the 3 main characters who are the focal point of the narrative storyline – Alana, Lauren & Maddie (ourselves). We are 17-18 year old girls and this fits perfectly with our target audience of a similar age group. One of the characters will be an attractive teenage boy who will feature as a ‘cheating’ boyfriend to all 3 girls. This will appeal to the younger female audience as they will be attracted to the boy, but once they find out he is cheating they will empathise with the girls and link to the empowering message of the song. The costumes in the video will have a main theme of pop/punk. Demi Lovato is known for her punk styled outfits and bright coloured hair.

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