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How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

I believe that the combination of my main product and ancillary texts are extremely effective. This is because our main product the ‘Really Don’t Care’ music video conforms to all typical conventions of a music video. It contains a split narrative and performance so there is the fun, fast paced performance section where we see the girls in the music studio location looking very happy, singing along with the song and playing their instruments.

Next there is the narrative part of the music video where we see the girls each unknowingly meeting up with the same boy and then finding out, this linking in with the lyrics of the song ‘I never want you back into my life’ and ‘you can take your words and all your lies’ showing that the boy has ‘played’ the three girls by seeing them all at the same time without any of them knowing. However the girls ‘really don’t care’ as we see them at the end of the video laughing and smiling showing that the situation has not brought them down.

Another way that I believe that the music video is effective is because it uses fast paced transitions between shots to keep up with the genre of the song which is dance-pop which is therefore upbeat and quick song. Also we use a wide range of camera shots just like other media products we researched, this added a great effect to our music video as it makes it very realistic more enjoyable for people to watch as there is a lot of different ideas going on.


The way my ancillary texts work well together is that they all have the same theme throughout all of them.  This theme is a dark pink and black colour scheme which we see in the digipak, the digipak advert and in the website. I have chosen to do this because I felt that having a link between them all would make it neat to look at and also this way it shows that these colours represent Demi and therefore if you see an advert or album with this on it would be easily identifiable as one of hers. I believe the digipak itself is realistic as it includes lots of features that we see on real artists digipaks. For example on the back of the digipak I have included a barcode which would be scanned upon purchase of the album, I felt this was a very realistic touch to add. Also I included the ‘copyright’ small print which also normally be found on the back of a digipak, this detailing the rights that Hollywood Records have over the album.

Another idea I included was to have a quote on the back cover from The Times newspaper explaining from them that they believe the album is ‘No.1 Album of the year’ although this may not be seen on all digipaks I thought it was right to add as it gives acknowledgement of the album and could possibly persuade more people to buy it. I have also inlcuded quotes on the digipak advert as that will further influence more poeple to buy the album if they are seeing more positive feedback from different sources. A quote that is featured on the album says 'Amazing feel good song' from OK magazine.

Also the music video, advert and digipak link in well with each other because the images used for the digipak and advert all feature the three girls from the music video, all wearing the same costumes from the music video and the images used are took in the performance location. Therefore when people see the music video and then see the digipak and advert they will immediately know what and who it is about as they will be able to make the link from the images. Instantly when the target audience see this they will see their idol on the front cover of both products and straight away become interested and want to buy the album .

Another way that I beleive the combination works well is that they all have the purpose to persuade, both my digipak and advert are all made for the purpose of persuading people to buy the album which I believe they have done very well as both products appeal to the target audience of young teenage girls and use words within them to draw people in such as 'No.1 Album' and 'Amazing' these words will attract people as they all have positive meanings and good conotations. .

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