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For my final digipak advert I have chosen to have the title of the album ‘really don’t care’ featuring at the top of the advert so it is easily visible to spot. The title is in a bright pink colour just like the colours used on Demi’s website therefore I have kept the pink theme running throughout. The text also features a shadowing effect to make it stand out and glow, the text is also outlined in a black colour so it makes the text almost have a 3d effect to further make it stand out from its dark background. Underneath this title on the left hand side of the page I have the price of what the album is wrote ‘ONLY £9.99’ making it seem like a bargain to the audience by using the word ‘only’. This text is also in the same font and colour as the title however it does not feature the glow effect as I felt this should only be used on the title. I have purposely made the ‘£9.99’ text bigger than the word ‘ONLY’ because I felt this should stand out more so it is easy to spot how much people need to pay to purchase this album. The text is positioned slanted running along one of the girls legs in the photo as it is stretched out because she is leaning back over Demi, who is seen sat in the middle between the two girls.



The background of my digipak advert features a image of the three girls who are featured in the music video, sat in the studio which is the same location of where the performance part of the music video was filmed. Here we can see the three girls wearing the same outfit in which they were wearing in the video for ‘really don’t care’. I have chosen to do this because as the album is called really don’t care I wanted to make a link from that music video to the digipak advert.  The clothing includes the girls mostly wearing black however there are elements of colours in there outfits for example, Demi has a red checked shirt around her waist, Cher has a red headband in her blonde hair and Lauren has dark red army boots on. The background of the photo is black so therefore the main focal point of the photo is on the three girls who are sat on a black step each doing their own ‘fun’ pose. 



Underneath the image of Demi there is text that reads ‘Album of the year’ The Times’ I have included this quote on the advert to show that the album has received recognition from an outside body on how good the album is. This will encourage more people to buy this as when they will see that someone who has listened to the album has already said about how good it is it will most likely encourage them to want to buy it as well. 


My digipak advert is clearly split into two sections the top half where we see the fun image of the three girls then underneath the factual section where we can see a clear black box in which is filled with information about demi. For example on the left hand side of the digipak advert at the bottom, it gives us Demi’s user name ‘@DemiLovato’ and underneath the three main social networking sites, Twitter,Instagram and Facebook in which fans can follow her on to get the latest gossip, photos and up to date information on the star herself. Also below this we can then see the Hollywood Records logo this is here to show which label it is that Demi is signed with, advertising the company and therefore giving them recognition. 

In the middle of the black box at the bottom we can see in capital letters it says ‘DEBUT ALBUM’ and ‘DEMI LOVATO’ this is written in a big bold font in order to stand out giving the information that this is Demi’s first album and that of course who it is that is behind the voice of the album . Next slanted on the right hand side of the page, again in the same text yet just a smaller font and in the colour white in order to make it stnad out against the black background, is the words ‘Available in selected stores’ showing the potential target audience where it is they can most likely find this album in order to purchase it. Also I have included a second quote, this time from OK magazine where they have said 'Amazing feel good song' a great way to show off and sell the album as this shows someone who has listened already to the songs and enjoys them very much, meaning it will persuade more people to buy the digipak.

Final Digipak Advert Review

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