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Intertextuality is the way in which one media text is referenced in another. The word 'inter-text' means to incorporate two texts and merge them together. Within media Intertextuality means to bring together two bits of media text. Intertextuality allows different parts of media to be linked for example a music video can contain references to a book. Intertextuality is not always used in music videos however they do not serve one purpose when they are found to have been used. They are used for different reasons such as: part of the narrative and direct link to the other media text. Also the intertextual link does not have to be visual they can also be apart of the lyrics

I believe that Intertextuality is used within a music video because when it is apart of the lyrics it helps the song flow more and give it a deeper meaning as another media text has already achieved a meaning to it so it adds more to the meaning of the song. I also believe that another reason for why intertextuality is used is when successful ideas from one music video is used in another  it is done with the hope that their music video will also follow  in their success.

Katy Perry – Last Friday night
This video from Katy Perry includes intertextual references with there being credits in the start of the music video and also at the end. For example it says ‘Rockhard Productions’ at the beginning of the video. There is also a lot outtakes shown in the video, creating a film like effect. Also at the end of the music video it gives the cast names in order of appearance which links in with films, as this is what a film would typically do and not a music video.
The characters in this video are all wearing clothes that were typically worn in the 80s.
In the video we see Katy Perry looking on a social networking site called ‘friendplace’ this is acting like ‘Facebook’ in the video.

Example - Stay Awake                                                           
The artist Example uses intertextuality in his music video 'Stay Awake' as we can clearly see visual references to the novel and film 'Alice in Wonderland' wrote by author Charles Dodgson.  An example of when this occurs in the music video happens on several occasions however the most obvious link is when we see a girl with blonde hair dancing around the forest wearing a very similar outfit as to what Alice wore in the film.

Another reference to the film in the song is found within the lyrics, 'Did we chase the rabbit into Wonderland' this is a complete direct link as Wonderland is where the whole Alice in Wonderland film is set, which is also why it is referenced  in the title of the film.

Lily Allen - Oh My God                                                      

In this music video it is very easy to spot that it is nearly an exact copy  of the film 'Who  Framed Rodger Rabbit' made in 1988. Lily has borrowed ideas from the scene where Jessica is on stage. The film has animated characters included in it for example: Betty Boop  and Jessica however there are real humans featured in it as well. Just as shown in Lily's  music video where we see her presented as an animated character and the male audience being real life human beings. Jessica and Lily's character both do a similar performance on stage and some shots are borrowed, however they are not exactly alike.                                                  This made Lily's video fun and amusing to watch as it is very different from  a normal video she could of done, and the references to the other text do match very well. The animated, playful video matches Lily's flirtatious personality very well.

Lily Allen Video - Oh My God

Who Framed Rodger Rabbit Film - 1988

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