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For my final digipak idea I incorporated my favorite ideas from both of the designs I came up with when I first started researching digipaks and seeing what ideas other artists used on theirs.


For the front cover of my digipak the main image is a long shot photo of the three girls from the band. We can see they are sat on a mini stage each doing their own individual ‘fun’ pose. The lead singer ‘Demi’ is seen smiling and holding a guitar,  this links in with the music video for ‘Really Don’t Care’ as in it she is seen playing that same guitar throughout. The costumes in which all the girls are wearing in the digipak front cover are those of which they wore in the ‘Really Don’t Care’ music video. These outfits include the girls mostly wearing black orientated costumes linking in with the pop punk theme of the video. However each girl does have a section of colour within their outfit so it’s not entirely black for example Demi has a red plaid shirt tied around her waist and Cher has a red bandana wrapped around her bleach blonde plaited hair.

 The digipak name is seen in big bold dark pink writing slanted in the top left hand corner of the digipak front cover so it is clear and easy to read, for the target audience who are wishing to buy this digipak. Also the artists name Demi Lovato is fitted in around the photo of the three girls in the left hand corner of the digipak. This again is the same font and colour as the digipak name. I have done this in order to keep the same theme running throughout the whole digipak.

Final Digipak Review

The other inside photo of the digipak also includes a long shot image of the three girls all looking very smiley, happy and all appear to be laughing when looking down at Demi whilst she appears to be playing the guitar. On the left hand side of the image there is a track list of all the songs featured on Demi’s digipak. The title ‘Track List’ is again in the same font as all the other titles on the digipak which is a dark pink, big, bold letters. Then the tracks are also written in a pink text format however the font size is not a s big as the title.


I have kept the text throughout the digipak all the same colour, which is a light and funky pink colour, this is because this colour also ties in with Demi’s website as this is mainly pink orientated as well therefore there is a theme running throughout Demi’s website and digipak.

For the back cover of my digipak I have used a long shot of all three of the girls and the stand they are sitting on so it is all fitting well in the frame. The girls are seen facing looking in the opposite way to the camera so we can only see the back of them, as this is the back of the cover I felt this fitted in well. Also at the bottom of the cover in the right hand corner I have put a barcode in. The reason I have done this is because this way it makes it seem very real as digipaks in the shops all have barcodes, which are used for scanning upon purchase of the digipak.  Also I have added the logo of the record company in which Demi is signed with as it gives recognition of the company and who they are, which is also seen as good advertising for them. Above this I have included the icons for the very popular social media sites: Instagram and Twitter. This is to show that Demi is available for her fans to follow on both of theses sites where they can see updates and pictures of herself informing all her fans of what she has been getting up to in real life. Also along the bottom there is the written rights of the Hollywood Records company, I have added this as it is what all digipaks have therefore I wanted to make it as real as possible.

At the top of the back cover I have added a quote from ‘The Times’ newspaper which reads ‘No.1 Album of the year’ this is a good extra to have as when people are reading this it will encourage them to buy t more as the album has good feedback reinsuring the buyer that it must be worth their money.

For the inside of my digipak I have included a photo of Demi where we see her in a long shot, jumping up in the air holding her guitar. Demi’s facial expression here comes across as very happy and extremely smiley making the atmosphere of the digipak very positive for the target audience. The location of this photo is the same as all the other photos included in the digipak, which is in the studio. This is also where the performance part of our music video is filmed. The overall background lighting of this image is quite dark however the focus on Demi in the shot appears to be very bright and almost has a spotlight effect so the audience can focus on Demi in the image only.

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